Buzz!: Quiz TV offers core features such as a variety of Questions, different Characters, lots of Rounds, and more. The game becomes tough, as the player advanced.
Each asked question has four options, and the player must select one of them to move forward. It rewards the player with fantastic prizes when he collects 250 points. Single-player mode comprises three rounds, in which the player must score the highest points by giving the answers to the questions as soon as possible. In the game, players can create their content via the website known as Mybuzz! There are nine different rounds, and each round has different gameplay. The game introduces online play and user-created content.
It is the seventh installment in the series of Buzz, and the first game to appear on PlayStation 3.
Buzz!: Quiz TV is a Party, Trivia, Single-Player, and Multiplayer video game created by Relentless Software and published by Sony Computer Entertainment.